How much notice does a landlord have to give a tenant to move out in Dubai

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Living in Dubai and pondering over the landlord notice to end tenancy Dubai rules? A burning question can be, ‘Can a landlord ask a tenant to move out in Dubai?’ Well, in Dubai, a landlord is required to provide a minimum of 12 months’ notice as per the law, and the notice should be sent via notary public or registered mail. It’s essential to understand residential rental laws, especially regarding the notice period, tenancy contract, tenant rights, and eviction process. In this article, we strive to extensively address all concerns and legalities that pertain to such queries.

Basics of Rental Contracts in Dubai

When you rent a property in Dubai, everything starts with a rental contract – a vital document that can govern how and when a vacating notice to tenant Dubai can be issued. Rental contracts form the legal foundation, setting rights and obligations for both tenants and landlords. Understanding the basics is crucial for successful tenancy management in Dubai.

There are two types of rental contracts in Dubai:

  1. Fixed Term/Definite Contract: This refers to a rental agreement for a specific period, usually one year. Both parties can negotiate the terms and conditions, but, once signed, neither party can alter the terms or rescind the contract unless mutually agreed.
  2. Unlimited/Indefinite Contract: This type of contract has no specified ending date and usually works based on a month-to-month term. It can be terminated by either party giving a 30 days’ notice.

Duration & Renewal

In Dubai, the standard duration for a rental agreement is one year, and it’s renewable. As the expiry date approaches, either the landlord or tenant can propose changes to the contract, such as rental increase or contract terms modification. Now, this can also be the stage when questions like ‘how to evict a tenant in Dubai’ might crop up. If both parties agree, the contract can be renewed for another term following the newly agreed conditions.

Terms & Conditions

The rental contract should clearly state all terms and conditions as agreed by both parties. It includes details like rental value, payment method, maintenance responsibilities, etc. More the detail within the contract, fewer chances disputes would arise in the future.

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Legal Notice Period For Tenant Move Out in Dubai

In Dubai, as per law 33 of 2008, for a landlord to request a tenant to vacate a property upon contract expiry – a stage often termed as issuing a tenant notice to vacate Dubai, they must provide a minimum of 12 months’ notice either via the notary public or by registered mail. This means a tenant cannot be asked to leave in less than a year from the date of receiving the notice.

ScenarioNotice Required
End of tenancy contract12 months
Breach of contract by tenantImmediate notice, legal action can be initiated
Property required for personal use12 months

Notifications & Communication

The said law specifies that the notice should be dispatched either through notary public or registered mail. Failure in adhering to the appropriate channels of communication can lead to the notice being deemed void. Consequently, tenants will have the right to refuse eviction and can continue to occupy the property.


There are certain specific scenarios where a landlord can ask the tenant to vacate prior to the 12-month period, primarily concerning breaches of contract or land development purposes. For instance, if the tenant fails to pay the rent, or the landlord needs the property for personal use or redevelopment. However, these cases also require the landlord to furnish adequate proof for their claims.

The Rights of a Tenant During Notice Period

Every tenant in Dubai should be aware of their rights during the notice period. Tenants have the right to remain in the property until the end of the tenancy contract, provided that they continue to pay their rent and adhere to all stipulated terms and conditions. Besides, tenants have the right to refuse eviction if the landlord fails to give a valid notice or if the notice is deemed unreasonable. It’s paramount for tenants to keep all transaction records, receipt of payments, and any correspondence with the landlord to avoid potential disputes.

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Understanding Eviction Process

Once the question, can a landlord ask a tenant to move out in Dubai?’ is answered, it’s essential for the tenant to effectively understand the eviction process in Dubai.

  1. Issuance of Eviction Notice: As clarified previously, a landlord must issue a tenant notice to vacate Dubai, giving at least 12 months’ notice to the tenant.
  2. Legal Process: If the tenant refuses to vacate or disputes the notice, the landlord can initiate a case at the Rental Disputes Settlement Centre in Dubai.

Should the Landlord Fail to Give Proper Notice

What happens if the landlord doesn’t provide the required notice or tries to evict the tenant prematurely? These acts are considered illegal, and the tenant can question such actions. The tenant can refuse eviction and has the right to stay in the property until the valid notice term ends.

Eviction Process Steps

Evicting a tenant in Dubai follows a specific protocol. The process only begins after a valid eviction notice has been delivered and the notice term has ended. Here are the steps in order:

  1. Notification: The landlord should provide a valid eviction notice with a clear reason for the eviction, delivered via a notary public or registered mail.
  2. Legal Action: If the tenant doesn’t vacate after the notice period, the landlord can approach the Dubai Rental Disputes Settlement Centre to initiate legal proceedings.

What Should Tenants Know About Security Deposits

As part of the rental agreement, tenants usually pay a security deposit. When ‘vacating notice to tenant Dubai’ has been served, and it’s time to move out, tenants have the right to get this security deposit back. The landlord can only deduct from this deposit for unpaid rent or expenses incurred due to damages beyond normal wear and tear.

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In Conclusion: Guidelines to Handle Move-Out Notices

Dealing with eviction or move-out notices can be stressful. However, having a clear understanding of the law, knowing your rights, and maintaining documented transactions can make a huge difference and fortify your position. Remember, the law is there to protect the rights of both landlords and tenants.


1. What is the legal notice period for a tenant to move out in Dubai?
A: In Dubai, the landlord must provide a minimum of 12 months’ notice for the tenant to vacate the property.

2. Can a landlord evict a tenant before the contract ends?
A: A landlord can only evict a tenant before the contract ends under special circumstances like tenant’s failure to pay rent or if the landlord needs the property for personal use or redevelopment.

3. What if the landlord fails to provide a proper notice?
A: If the landlord doesn’t provide a proper notice or tries to evict the tenant prematurely, these acts are considered illegal and the tenant can refuse to vacate.

4. What should a tenant do upon receiving a move-out notice?
A: A tenant should verify the validity of the notice. If the notice is valid and conditions are met, they should prepare to vacate. If there are disputes, the tenant can take the matter to the Rental Disputes Settlement Centre.

5. How can a tenant recover their security deposit upon vacating?
A: The tenant has the right to get the security deposit back when they move out. If there are unpaid rents or damage costs, the landlord can deduct these from the deposit.